Environmental Impairment Liability

Don’t let a pollution incident threaten your whole business

Reasons to Consider Environmental Insurance from AIG

Controlling personal exposures

Following an environmental incident, individuals also face the possibility of personal actions. In fact, some local regulations might hold directors and managers jointly or personally liable for the damages.

Environmental Liability Directive

Effective across Europe, this aims to make businesses that cause environmental damage responsible for the full consequences. It deals with serious damage to protected species and their habitats including protected sites, water including underground sources or groundwater and land where there may be a risk to human health


Our customers can negotiate alternative insurance capital, deductibles and coverage, tailoring the ideal risk management solution for their situation.

Local expertise

With an underwriting team in Ireland and high capacity, AIG can provide expert decision making and added value consultancy services.

Preserving financial sustainability

Provides immediate protection (corporate and individual) from the costs, expenses and damages that an incident may incur that might threaten the financial viability of the business.

Reducing reputational risk

Media and public sensitivity to local pollution incidents can impact the business’s image. Holding this insurance is clear evidence of the precautions that the business has taken in managing its responsibilities.

Multinational expertise

Our extensive knowledge of sophisticated program structures and one of the most extensive lists of local environmental policies available in the market allow us to design and implement multinational programmes that reflect each business’ needs.

Claims expertise

We also offer the largest specialised claims team in Europe. Benefiting from our extensive global capabilities and knowledge centres, AIG claims handlers are able to offer strong and dependable customer support during a stressful period for our clients.

Who is it for?

AIG’s size and flexibility mean we can protect a wide range of business sectors, both in Ireland and abroad, including.

  • Manufacturers in the electrical and electronic, energy, metal and plastics, textiles, paper and specialty chemicals (pharmaceutical, paint, paints, pesticides) sectors
  • Bulk storage terminals and warehouses holding chemicals or oil and oil-based products
  • Treatment facilities and waste disposal
  • Transportation and logistics companies
  • Construction industry
  • Educational facilities
  • Hospitals
  • Food and Dairy companies

What is covered?

Enviropro Ireland provides comprehensive environmental insurance and includes cover for ‘biodiversity,’ complementary and compensatory remediation, defence, mitigation costs and other provisions of the 2009 Environmental Damage Regulations. Talk to your Broker today about how Enviropro can help your business plan for the future.


A wide range of businesses including manufacturers, light engineering companies, printers, metal fabricators, warehouses, textiles, retailers and food processors as well as educational establishments, medical centres and hotels.

Features & Benefits

Sudden and accidental and gradual pollution: our environmental policies do not distinguish between sudden & accidental and gradual pollution.


Provides comprehensive environmental insurance cover for pollution-related losses resulting from your business operations – at local or multinational level.

Contractors Operation and Professional Services cover from AIG includes cover for Errors & Omissions in environmental technical reporting. It also provides Contractors Pollution Liability cover for activities carried out on third party sites


A wide range of environmental consultants whose work both involves technical reporting and completing site works on third party sites

Features & Benefits

Our insurance provides cover for provisions of the Environmental Liabilities Directive (ELD) including ‘biodiversity’, complementary and compensatory remediation, defence and mitigation costs.

Sudden and accidental and gradual pollution: our environmental policies do not distinguish between sudden & accidental and gradual pollution.
Changing legal environment: Policies cover changes in legislation to keep up with rapidly evolving legislation.
One environmental coverage: For complex risks and to meet contractual requirements, AIG takes a flexible approach to ensure the client’s needs are met.
Worldwide Capabilities: Access to local Environmental underwriting expertise and the ability to  underwrite in local language.


Environmental cover for environmental professionals. Includes cover for Errors & Omissions in environmental technical reporting and Contractors Pollution Liability cover for activities carried out on third party sites

This product is designed to cover environmental liabilities arising from a contractor's operations caused by the introduction of new pollution conditions or the exacerbation of existing pollution conditions.


Contractors for PPS schemes. Consultants or contractors performing hazardous operations, or operating on contaminated sites. Policies can also be taken out by clients on behalf of contractors.  

Features & Benefits

Sudden and accidental and gradual pollution: our environmental policies do not distinguish between sudden & accidental and gradual pollution, they cover both.


Provides comprehensive protection for contractors, site owners and developers against pollution releases - whether sudden & accidental or gradual - caused by new or the exacerbation of existing pollution conditions.

This product enables companies to protect against the costs of clean-up, bodily injury and damage caused to other peoples' property, by providing a specific insurance policy packaged to allow the insured to design a programme suitable for their pollution insurance needs.


Manufacturing and industrial facilities, owners of property portfolios, developers, buyers, sellers and owners of contaminated land (including companies undertaking mergers or acquisitions), company investors and potential polluters.

Features and Benefits

Sudden and accidental and gradual pollution: our environmental policies do not distinguish between sudden & accidental and gradual pollution, they cover both.


Enables businesses to cover insured properties against environmental liabilities. Particularly valuable in property or company transactions or other situations where pre-existing pollution liabilities might arise.

What if you need to make a claim?

AIG has years of experience managing environmental issues throughout the world and we know that environmental claims can present complex technical challenges.

Environmental claims are handled by local specialist units supported by experienced professionals with backgrounds in insurance, law, finance, and environmental engineering. 

Please email us at eilclaimsie@aig.com.