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Health & Safety eLearning

AIG Ireland's new safety, cyber and workplace skill eLearning platform designed for the benefit of it's liability policyholders to drive down their total cost of risk.

Why Choose AIG for Health & Safety eLearning?

AIG's new safety, cyber and workplace skills eLearning platform

AIG is totally committed to risk management innovation, learning and improvement for the benefit of its liability policyholders to drive down their total cost of risk. For over 15 years we have pioneered the delivery of complimentary health and safety eLearning services to our liability policyholders. This new iteration of our eLearning proposition takes the scope and value of this service to new levels, with a more extensive, more engaging, customisable and fully reportable eLearning curriculum. 

Drive up compliance and competency and drive down the overall costs of risk with our new eLearning curriculum

5 benefits of our new eLearning platform

For more information contact